Development of a child rights methodology to identify and support child victims of trafficking - Final report


Il progetto della durata di 24 mesi "Development of a Child Rights Methodology to Identify and Support Child Victims of Trafficking" è stato sostenuto dalla Commissione europea nell'ambito del programma AGIS 2005 tra dicembre 2005 e dicembre 2007. È stato coordinato da Save the Children Italia e realizzato in collaborazione con la Fondazione Bulgaria Partners, LandesCaritasverband Bayern e.V. e Save the Children Romania. Il rapporto finale illustra le principali attività e i risultati del progetto, tra cui la metodologia basata sui diritti dell'infanzia per identificare e sostenere i bambini vittime della tratta.

The 24-month project “Development of a Child Rights Methodology to Identify and Support Child Victims of Trafficking”, has been supported by the European Commission within the AGIS Programme 2005 and has been conducted between December 2005 and December 2007. It has been coordinated by Save the Children Italy and implemented in partnership with the Partners Bulgaria Foundation, Landes Caritasverband Bayern e.V. and Save the Children Romania. This Final Report presents the main activities and results of the project, including the Child Rights Methodology to Identify and Support Child Victims of Trafficking.